
Lady and the Vamp

Story Sent in by James:

At the end of my date with Clara I walked her to her front door and said goodnight. I gave her a hug and we drew away slowly in that sort of way you do when you want a kiss.

I leaned in and we kissed for a few seconds and then she kissed my cheek, down my neck, and then she sucked lightly on my neck and that was all good...

Then she bit me. Hard. It was like a sudden dagger in my neck.

I tore away from her and I touched my neck. She had drawn blood. And she laughed at me. I said a choice word or two then basically ran down the sidewalk and back to my car.


  1. She thought OP tasted funny...

  2. Why is everyone so against each special snowflake creating their own perfect life? She just wanted to recreate her favorite movie!

    1. Or she could be a vampire vixen from Venus...

  3. I think OP missed out on a super freak in bed. A little biting and blood can really get some people worked up. Not every girl can be a cute and cuddly bunny rabbit.

  4. You know, a date like this would really bite.

    1. But it's a story you can really sink your teeth into.

    2. Oh oh, before Steve beats me to it:

      Op missed his chance to get all up incisor.

  5. OP missed out - women who liberally use their bicuspids tend to be bi-curious...

  6. Came to the comments for the vampire gifs. I'll be honest, I'm a little disappointed. Points for the Holy Grail bunny though.

  7. Go, little vampire girl (courtesy of Jonathan Richman)


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