
Heady Goodness

Email Sent in by Dona:

I gazed upon your profile and had to ask - is your head real. It doesnt seem like a normal head. Something is off about it and I think it is your lips. Maybe try new head. Or else you can photoshop yourself a normal head. It is easy go into photoshop and make your head a new layer. Then you can paste it on your oldhead and make it the size it supposed to be. I can show you how if we go out together. Want to go out tgoether.



  1. Another guy trying the "insult then compliment routine"to pick up chicks.He forgot the compliment.Also he went on too long about her misshapen head.Op is not an elephant!She is not an animal!She is a human being!She is a woman!Respect the head...

    1. Tell us more about the "insult then compliment routine". That sounds like a very efficient way for not picking girls. I'm curious.

    2. I always respect good head.....

  2. A guy will insult a girl or give her a backhanded comment to try to break down her confidence.Then turn around and give her a smooth compliment.He's playing his own wingman basically.

  3. I was in a band called Paste it on Your Oldhead in college.

    1. I don't have any idea what that means. I love it.

  4. I mean, if a professional thinks it's okay...

    Or you can just ask this guy to do it for you.


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