
Still a Better Mandarin Than Kingsley

Story Sent in by Aaron:

When I met Marjorie in person at a restaurant I was surprised to find that she had a ring on every finger. It was all gaudy costume jewelry and it really caught the eye. Making what I thought was friendly conversation, I asked her, "So you're a jewelry fan, huh?"

She replied, "These are in case you get fresh."


She curled her hands into fists and slammed them down on the table. She then asked, "Any questions?"

That was our only date.


  1. Stay stale my friends.....

  2. Intimidation is such a winning formula.

  3. She should have just gone for the brass knuckles.

  4. Please tell me you didn't continue the date, OP.

    1. "After I bought her dinner, dessert, and numerous drinks, I was SO outta there!"

  5. Is this a story from the early 90's? Who says "Get fresh" anymore? Besides, how are rings going to stop him from shooting some B-ball outside of the school?

  6. JMG, I have to know... Did you change the name to "Marjorie" from "Mr. T"?

    1. Damn, the Architect beat me to it. I really have to start checking out his links before I comment.

    2. Muahahaha! Architects think alike (which should be pretty scary to the rest of the world).

  7. she was not crescent fresh


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