
Not Sure if a 6/6 Man Would Write This

Email Sent in by Kelli:


You look like a woman in all of your photos besides one. So I am 5/6 sure you are a woman. But if you can tell me one way or the other for sure that would save me a lot of heartache. I know I know your profile says you are a single woman but profiles can lie. I am not saying you are lying. Just tell me straight so I can be sure the final 1/6 piece of the puzzle. If you are 6/6 woman then we are all set. If you are part not woman or not a woman at all then unfortunately this conversation must stop. Sorry.



  1. I didn't know Women had 6 parts?

    1. Chunky Horse got lots on 1/6 parts of women in his den. Or is it a stable? Not sure, I'm all new to those Chunky Horse references...

  2. I'm 1/7 crocodile and 2/7 chocolate fondant. The last 4/7 is all woman, baby.

  3. Maybe he watched the last series of X-Files and is scared to date an alien/human hybrid like Scully?

  4. I may or may not be a woman, but I can say with confidence that I'm approximately 22/7 parts Pi...

  5. Look guys, he had a bad experience, okay?

    Also, what the hell kind of measuring scale is 6 parts?

    1. It's a weird scale because he could only find an engineering scale to measure with.

    2. I believe he's trying to say that there were 6 pictures on her profile, and in one of them, he couldn't be sure she was a woman. So he was only 5/6 certain.

      I'm 6/6 sure that that was lame attempt at humor on his part.

    3. I believe he's trying to say that there were 6 pictures on her profile, and in one of them, he couldn't be sure she was a woman. So he was only 5/6 certain.

      I'm 6/6 sure that that was lame attempt at humor on his part.

  6. 83% positive? That's a solid B- just go for it dude


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