
Without Her Life, She's Far Less Depressed

Email Submitted by Alana:

I'm a normal guy with an abnormal normality. No baggage, problems, or depression here. If anything, I make other people depressed with how not depressed I am. Careful, I might make you depressed! Just like my ex! Depressed her whole life! About everything! Until I took it from her! Now she's not depressed about anything! And I will do the same for you.

I have no kids or exwives. If I did they'd all be happy now. I want to make you happy so you tell me and let me.

Snip snip,


  1. This is beyond creepy.

  2. The best part of this and every other email is that someone had to look over it, decide "Yes, this is the best thing I could say to introduce myself. Nothing can improve this" and then send it.

  3. Is he from Long Island, by any chance? Because according to last night's news show, we've got a new serial killer on the loose up there.

  4. Maybe he just wanted to cut her hair. Maybe he's a world-famous stylist to the stars!

    Snip Snip (for free because you are beautiful!).

    Or he's just a creeper.

  5. @Pinkerton
    You got that right.

    Also, did he just admit to killing his ex?

  6. "Careful, I might make you depressed! Just like my ex! Depressed her whole life! About everything! Until I took it from her! Now she's not depressed about anything! And I will do the same for you."
    I like how the last sentance there ends with a period. It really changes the mood.

    Snip snip,

  7. I'd like Ned's doctor to do a bit of the ol' snip snip down below.

  8. @TheMediator:

    Yes, I think he did just admit to killing his ex. And children.


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