
Jerk Off

Story Submitted by Sheila:

Mack and I had arranged to meet at an Italian restaurant for our first date.  I made it there a couple of minutes late, but found that he wasn't there yet.  I took a seat and waited.

Shortly thereafter, I received a text from him that said, "Sorry I'm late.  Be there in 5."

I wrote back, "No problem."

He replied, "Figured there'd be no sex on a first date so I just jerked it to your profile picture.  XD   LOL."

I almost dropped the phone in disgust.  Was he expecting me to be turned on by that or proud of him?

When he did show up, I stood and he reached to give me a handshake.  I asked him, "Did you wash your hands?"

"Since the jerking?" he asked, "Oh, no.  Want me to?"

I cried, "Yes!"  He jogged to the bathroom.

He returned, opened both of his hands out to me, and said, "All clean."  I shook his hand, and we both sat down.

He smiled, pointed at me, and said, "Gotcha!  I didn't clean them at all!"

Automatically, I said, "Oh God," then stood up and made for the bathroom myself, to wash my own hands.

Once I was done with a thorough washing, I exited the bathroom and took just one step back towards the table before realizing, I'm probably in for a night of hell if I go back to him, so I left before he could stop me.

When I was safely away, I sent him a text that said, "Thanks for meeting me.  I don't think this'll work."

He wrote back, "Prudish much?"

I replied, "No.  Mature much."

No reply after that.


  1. Uhmm...not really a bad date..
    Yeah he seemed like a perv but I don't know.
    I'm not sayin he would have turned out good but op was a little rude as well

  2. While the OP did seem a bit rude (and quick to jump on a moral high horse), I can't really blame her for being skeezed out. And if she hadn't walked away, everyone on this blog would be jumping down her throat for staying even with the red flags. And that's a pretty big red flag for a first date.

  3. Argh. Yes it's a bad date. A date is meant to be a pleasant evening and an opportunity to develop a relationship with someone who you are attracted to. There is hope invested in it.

    And some jerk texts you about beating off over your profile picture. Then makes puerile jokes about not washing his hands (if you consider the mechanics of masturbation: it's possible, but not easy, to jerk off without getting sperm on your hand). Then compounds it by not even washing his hands as a courtesy when asked to.

    I don't think she was jumping on a high horse, rather just being pretty normal.

    Imagine a similar situation: guy walks out of the toilet, shakes your hand, then says 'haha I was shaking my dick all about while I peed and never washed my hands.'

  4. Reverse the roles...
    A guy is texted by a girl who says she will be late because she was 'tapping her meat puppet' to his photo...Would he be turned on or grossed out? Would he shake her hand when they met?
    I'm guessing most guys would....and some might even smell their fingers first chance they'd get. um..some guys..not me. That's just gross.

  5. Shennanigans on you, Howie. Hell, if some girl were jilling off to my profile picture, I'd be flattered, but I'd DEF want her to wash her hands! Hell, I always wash my hands after self-love sessions, even when I'm not touching anyone else. Cleanliness = Godliness after all.

  6. I normally jerk-off to Nikki's posts.

    Or maybe not.

  7. Cleanliness is only *next to* Godliness, Nikki. Nice try. :-)

  8. The OP was sure as hell not rude to the guy. He was a pig (in word if not in deed), and she was right to ditch him when she had the chance.

  9. He replied, "Figured there'd be no sex on a first date so I just jerked it to your profile picture. XD LOL."

    And you stayed after this?? OP is dumber than dirt!


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