
Watch Out for Manparts

E-mail Submitted by Angie:

I practically blew my load when I saw your picture. How the hell are you?

I'm a good man with a stable career and I'm looking for the same, but without the manparts. Something long term and serious - no games, no joking around.

Most women I've met off this site have been a joke. All f them want a man who they can take from, but everything that's taken from me I take back, and sometimes not how you'd want me to. No apologies, just a carpe diem!!!

Like you, I like the occasional musical (Rent hells yeah) and dogs and cats and muffins. So write back if you're for real.



  1. Does he even know what "carpe diem" means?

  2. "Like you, I like the occasional musical (Rent hells yeah) and dogs and cats and muffins."

    Really? Such a turn on.

    Oh wait, I forgot the "but everything that's taken from me I take back, and sometimes not how you'd want me to." WTF is that supposed to mean???

  3. Surprised no one has mentioned anything about Trey's winning opening line.

  4. The proper response here would be an email full of incorrectly-used Latin phrases:
    "Hail and memento mori!
    Thanks for the caveat emptor, but, alea iacta est, I don't think it'll work out. Sorry for the vox populi. Hope you nosce te ipsum, if you know what I mean.
    Veni, vidi, vici,

  5. Any dude who likes "Rent," cats, and muffins is DEFINITELY into manparts, no matter how much he protests to the contrary.

  6. Nice Nikki.
    "Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

  7. No one is immune to the power of muffins Nikki. NO ONE.

  8. I picture this guy as someone who yells a lot. Not in anger, just being constantly loud.

  9. Ashley, it depends on the type and maker of said muffins.

    Otis Spunkmeyer (heh) muffins are to die for, especially the blueberry ones. And if you eat too many of them, you'll probably get severe diabetes, so you literally will die from them.

    Vegan muffins? Bleh.


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