
You've Got Male

Submitted by Norma:

From Larry
To Norma

Hi Norma.

I really liked your profile. Which beach is that in the background of that photo? Malibu? I've been there before, so that's why I'm asking.

It looks like we have a lot in common, so hit me back whenever.


From Norma
To Larry

Hi Larry.

I'm really impressed with your profile, too, especially the part about wanting to climb Mt. McKinley. How go your preparations?

I'm also an avid reader, and I hope to switch careers soon. I'm already burnt out by my 9-5, and I think I can handle something more risky, like going into theology or the arts. I don't really know yet, but I think I'd be happier.

Are you happy as a Nissan sales clerk?

- Norma

From Larry
To Norma

Norma -

You seem so much deeper than most of the people on here. I'm glad that they're not ALL wackos. My preparations for the McKinley climb are a little behind schedule, but I'll be all set to go by summer of next year.

Life's too short to do stuff that you don't want to do. Just so long as you're responsible, I think you should totally follow your dream. What specifically in theology do you want to explore?

Being a sales clerk is fine. Want to meet up?


From Norma
To Larry

Larry -

Sounds great! When would you like to meet up?


From Larry
To Norma

Norma, you didn't answer all of my questions from the last message that I sent you. You're therefore either ignoring me or have something to hide. Ether way, I'm not interested.

From Norma
To Larry

Are you serious?

From Larry
To Norma

I'm dead serious.

From Norma
To Larry

I'm not interested either, but mostly because you're insane.


  1. This really needs to be made into a Lifetime movie.

    "Norma and Larry: Love and Deception."

    Oh, the drama!

  2. Norma, you must answer all the questions before getting a date with Larry.

  3. You came across as a little... erm, eager...

  4. What's Norma building in there? What the hell is she building in there?

    Never trust an aspiring theologian, that's what my mama always said. Sorry, I'm with Larry on this one.

  5. I'd say Larry is less a nut and more just trying to avoid one... I don't think you're a nut Norma, but you jumped on that meet up a little too quickly, especially considering you met on the internet. Slow it down girl.

  6. It would be great if we also got timestamps, to see just how long you were sitting at your inbox hitting "refresh" so you could jump on the chance to reply "YES! LETS MEET NAO!!"

  7. I don't get why Larry didn't understand you didn't "answer all his questions" because you thought you'd get the chance to do that in person. Could be a sypmtom of a controlling personality?

    Oh well, Norma dear, better luck next time.

  8. Yeah right, Norma, better luck next time. Nissan sales clerks are hard to come by.

  9. @Nikki Doesn't matter he was fake, insincere and made a weak pitch for getting together. Norma should have discounted him for lack of masculinity.

    Larry is also an idiot, the whole idea is to get some face time. Why waste any more time conversing through email than needed to set up a place to meet.

    Body language and tone of voice are a huge part of communicating.

    Until you actually meet neither of the two know if the other passes the physical attraction test. Pictures can be deceiving or outdated.

    No one takes into consideration that they could spend plenty of time communicating and then finally meet discovering it was all for not. It's better to meet sooner and communicate face to face instead of hiding behind an electronic medium conjuring fantasy in place of reality.

  10. It can be very annoying when people ignore questions, she didn't even answer the very first one about the beach!

  11. Larry could be a little ocd perhaps? one of my things that really get my back up is an unanswered question in a text convo. Even now while I'm for the most part fine I still get a flash of irritation when one of my questions isn't answered, despite knowing that it's usually ridiculous. During my worst periods, I'd literally go on a text frenzy when it happened and it got me into a few situations like this till I learned not to text people who didn't know/get it.

    Saying that tho, I'm guessing he was just an ass.

  12. Well, at least he knows what he is looking for. And he tells the truth.

  13. It's too bad you didn't answer his questions. You didn't get to see what comes next....

    Next comes the DNA screening, the personality test, and the physical endurance tests. Genealogy screening, political opinions, and manual dexterity come into play. Once you pass those, you become part of his quest to start a race of super-beings that will take over the earth.

    Better luck next time.

  14. The good part is that you have omitted to answer to his question. Who know what a mad man you have meet.


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