
Furious and Soaking Wet

Submitted by Brianna:

Greg and I spoke online for a while.  He said that he worked for the local town and was just getting over a nasty breakup.  We arranged to meet in person. He asked if I'd meet him at his house.

When I got there, I had to go to the bathroom, and Greg showed me where it was. While I was going, Greg smashed the door open with his younger brother and threw water balloons at me.

I screamed and asked them to stop, but when they ran out of water balloons, they just laughed and walked off, leaving the door open.

When I was done in the bathroom, I found Greg and his brother at the kitchen table.  I was still soaking wet and I yelled at them, asking why they did that.

"Did what?" they asked, and laughed.

I turned and left on the spot.  He didn't try following me.  It was so weird.

Did I mention Greg was 25 years old?


  1. he's a serial waterballooner. he lures in young attractive naive girls from online dating sites, and attacks when they least expect it.

  2. 25? Seriously? I'm guessing life didn't work out for him?

  3. Greg is a hero among men.

  4. You met this man that you've been speakin to for a while at his house???

  5. I think he knew exactly what he was doing.

  6. Says they spoke online, maybe they didnt meet online though. The whole story seems odd if its someone she might on an online dating website, seems like they were pretty familiar with each other. anyway its hilarious.

  7. dont u lock the door?

  8. Always meet at a public place................... for your humiliation.

  9. Maybe he thought you would look better all wet. Apparently, that didn't work either.

  10. I am 25, I have a good job, I pay my mortgage on time, and I would never run into an occupied bathroom and soak someone with water balloons. This story isn't cute or fun. Crap behavior by overgrown boys like this is the reason why it is hard for a young person to be taken seriously in business and in life. It hurts all of us. Please understand that most 25 year olds have their shit together and don't pull loser stunts like this one. Guys like this are a minority that people unfortunately think is the norm.

  11. 6:57, you must be off your meds.

  12. 12:34, you must live with your mommy.

  13. Hahahaha. That was awesome!

  14. 6:57, you are a real man now! You are soooo responsible.

  15. Aside from you being in the bathroom when this happened, this is AWESOME!
    If a guy ever threw water balloons at me, I think we'd hit it off quite nicely.

  16. I agree with 6:57 and all of you need to grow up and find a job and stop spending all of your time on line posting comments when you should be using this online time more productive by sending your resumes to help wanted ads!! Bravo 6:57 I wish there were more guys like you out there....

  17. Stevin^ They're doing the same exact thing you're doing. Now that i think about it you probably are 6:57 sticking up for yourself, lol. Get a life, pleaseeeeeee!


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