

Submitted by Sandra:

Jake was in my calculus 3 class in college.  We sat next to each other in class and became pretty tight.  We'd go out a lot and we'd have movie nights.  He'd say and do little things that made me feel like he liked me, and I liked him.  We hung out a lot.

One morning after we had a nice night watching a movie and taking a walk, I woke up to see his Facebook status changed to "in a relationship."  This was a newsflash to me.  What was this about?  Was he referring to me?  I didn't think that he was spending this much time with anyone else, but who could be sure?

I called him up and arranged to meet for lunch.  He showed up and didn't mention a thing about his status change.  I kept the conversation light until we were finished and I said, "You know I couldn't help noticing that your status has changed to in a relationship.  What's that about?"

He laughed and said that an old female friend of his was moving into town and that they had decided to start going out.

It's his decision, but I couldn't help but feel rejected.  Why wouldn't he even mention it to me?  Seems like pretty big news to keep from a friend.

I'm glad that he was so quick to post his status, though.  If not for Facebook, I might have made a complete fool out of myself, trying to impress him as a more than friend.


  1. He's not two faced at all. You never asked him if he liked you back. You can't just blame other people when you get the wrong idea and end up getting upset.

  2. Make your intentions known right from the start. The possible rejection may hurt, but not as bad as what happened to you.

    1. I think I better start making my intentions known as well from the start rather than get all nervous and extremely scared of saying the wrong things.

  3. How long had you hung out with him? If there was no hint, then he was not going to wait for it. Generally, if you have movie nights without kissing at some point, he's going to assume it means platonic

  4. Sorry, but that was a totally lame story. It's not even a story. It's just a collection of words and sentences that leads the reader to ask, "Um...and the point was?"

  5. Wow, that's upsetting. I feel sorry for you. But honestly, you should have just told him how you felt!

  6. I believe this is approximately the first time ever that a girl has told this this story.

  7. Yeah he never came out and told you he liked you, you just assumed he liked you. Have you guys ever kissed? Anything? How long were you guys 'friends'? Did you hangout everyday? He's not twofaced, twofaced people do things behind others back, he knew you were on his friends list and there was a good chance you would see his status. HE doesn't need to call up every Close friend and family member to let them know.

    And i agree with another commentor, this story was lame, and it shouldn't even be on abadcaseofdates. This is something you should be chit-chatting about to your friends.


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